face lock 2


Woman AttitudesHumanity, Love boys and girlDreamgirls with natureUnderstandingMen cards play with childrenLife with natureEyes to heartFace Lock 2,


Painting name = Face lock 2
Reason = Motivation [Think]
Category = Water Colour [Modern art]
Painting Dimensions =
Value = 35 million dollar
Price = 45 million Dollars
Artists = Sudarshan Gupta
Date= 2016 – 2021

About =
In this painting, the expression of showing through the face. Two people go through many sorrows in life, and both are very sad on the inside. They are sad from the inside, they only know. But he expressed the happiness on his face through the smile on his face.
In this, both the boys remain very sad due to their failure. War-wise, Bow chases after his dreams but is sadness into joy with a smile on his face over and over again. She tries to weaken the power of the unhappy by bringing happiness to her face after being sad in the painting.
I hope to enjoy this painting art for every individual. (Not for sale) noblebook.in

Painting is a person who tries to portray the feelings of his heart and mind on a canvas through colour or tries to make it through his perspective, tries to tell right and wrong to the world whether he believes it or not. disobey. Some great person has said that often people try to know the truth, then an artist tries to show his truth or to tell the truth of the world through colour on paper or canvas, what is the truth in today’s time? Because in today’s time the truth does not want to be known by any human being. He only tries to know the truth through painting, photography or the things written in the book. That’s why by making a painting, a person tries to put the right thinking of the heart and mind of the person on the canvas, this is true.

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