life with nature


Woman AttitudesHumanity, Love boys and girlDreamgirls with natureUnderstandingMen cards play with childrenLife with natureEyes to heartFace Lock 2,


Painting name = Life with nature
Reason = motivation [nature]
Category = Watercolour [modern art]
Painting Dimensions =
Value = 75 million dollar
Price = $1oo million dollar
Artist = Sudarshan Gupta
Date = 2016 – 2021

A story has been shown in this painting, the purpose of which is how nature and life are related to each other. The story hidden in this painting shows the reality of today,s time. maybe you know, you can never win with life and you can never defeat nature. You have to give up in front of the power of nature if I have anything about life, life is that. The one you want to live tomorrow too is the mother who gives us everything to live in this painting there is a child who saves a child. He copes together with Life With Nature as a child. This painting has been made in a book that the whole story is written in Life with Nature. Everyone person, I hope to enjoy my painting Idea and thought. (Not for sale)

Painting is a person who tries to portray the feelings of his heart and mind on a canvas through colour or tries to make it through his perspective, tries to tell right and wrong to the world whether he believes it or not. disobey.
Some great person has said that often people try to know the truth, then an artist tries to show his truth or to tell the truth of the world through colour on paper or canvas, what is the truth in today’s time? But in today’s time, the truth does not want to be known by any human being. He only tries to know the truth through painting, photography or the things written in the book. That’s why by making a painting, a person tries to put the right thinking of the heart and mind of the person on the canvas, this is true

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