Something about this company some Terms & Conditions, this website is an E-commercial, Every company some Term & Condition necessary.

Consumer terms

If you don’t mind too much, please read some of the terms carefully before using noblebook.in on this site.
By using the noblebook.in site, you can express your consent to be limited in these circumstances.
In addition, when you use the noblebook.in administration (such as a list of items or the marketplace noblebook service) to access any current or future noblebook service, you will be subject to certain terms and conditions, assuming That the Terms of Use are contrary to the Terms, but those Terms shall govern.
Contains an electronic record of importance appropriate to the user’s situation. This electronic record is created by the PC framework and does not require any physical or computer access.
Notice and procedure for claiming infringement relating to your use of NobleBook.in is the notice and procedure for notifying Noblebook of objectionable material.

1. Your Account

When you utilize the site, you are responsible for keeping your record and secret word secure and for limiting access to your PC to prevent unauthorised access. You consent to acknowledge liability regarding movements of every sort that happen under your record or secret key. You must make sure the secret key is kept private and secure, and you should notify us immediately if you think your secret word has been revealed to anyone else, or if the secret key is being used, or is likely to be used, unapproved. Please verify that the details you give us are correct and complete, and inform us promptly of any changes to the information you provided. We allow you to access and update most of the data you provided us in the Your Account area of the site. You agree and accept that you will use your account to purchase items for your use and not for business. Would it be a good idea for you wish to arrange items for business purposes, kindly make a business account. Throughout Noblebook.in/business, Noblebook.in maintains the authority to decline access, end records, and remove or modify the content at any time without prior notice.


2. Keeping

We encourage you to review our Privacy Notice, which likewise governs your visit to Noblebook.in, to understand our policies. In addition to the Privacy Notice and the relevant rules and guidelines, personal data/information you provide to Noblebook.in will be treated strictly and fairly. Do not use the site if you do not wish to transfer your data.

3. E-Platform for Communication

You agree and understand and recognize that there may be a web-based move that empowers you to purchase the Goods recorded on the Site at any price, whenever, from any region. You further agree and agree that NobleBook is only a facilitator and cannot in any way exercise control of any party to the Site. The offering of Items on the Site as required The Agreement will be a solemn agreement between you and the Merchant assembled on Noblebook.in.

4. Admittance to Noblebook.in

We will do our best to guarantee it. that access to the Site remains uninterrupted and that the transmission will take place without fault. However, this cannot be ensured due to the consideration of the Internet. In addition, your access to the Site may be accidentally suspended or restricted without prior notice to take into account the presentation of new Office publications without any correction support. We will endeavour to prohibit the copying of any such suspension or limitation.

5. Permit for site access

You are granted a limited licence to access and use this site, subject to your compliance with these Conditions of Use and payment of any applicable fees if any. However, you are not permitted to download (other than page storage) or modify this site or any portion of it without the express written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Organization and/or its subsidiaries, as may be necessary. This licence does not include any commercial or resale use of this site or its products, any collection and use of product listings, descriptions, or prices, any subsidiary use of this site or its products, any downloading or copying of record data to assist another vendor, or any use of information mining, robots, or similar information gathering and social gathering tools.
Without the express written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and/or its members, as may be appropriate, this site or any portion of this site (including but not limited to any protected material, brand names, or other proprietary data) may not be copied, duplicated, sold, exchanged, visited, circulated, or otherwise used for any business purpose.
Without prior written consent, you are not permitted to copy or use outlines to enclose any brand name, logo, or other proprietary information belonging to Noblebook.in and its subsidiaries (including images, messages, page designs, or types). Without the express written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Limited and/or its subsidiaries, as applicable, you may not use any meta labels or other “stowed away message” referencing Noblebook Seller Services Private Limited’s or its members’ names or brands.
You are given a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive right to link to Noblebook.in’s Welcome page as long as the connection doesn’t portray Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency, Noblebook.in, their members, or their products or services in a false, misleading, harshly critical, or generally hostile manner. Without the prior written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and/or its members, as may be applicable, you may not use any Noblebook.in the logo or other restricted realistic or brand name as a part of the connection.


6. Your Behavior

You understand that you, and not Noblebook.in, are responsible for any electronic communications and content transmitted from your PC to us and you should only use the site for lawful purposes as it were. You should not use the site in any way that intrudes, harms, or hinders access to it in any way. If any of the following apply, you shouldn’t use the site:
to send, use, or reuse any content that doesn’t belong to you; is illegal, hostile (including but not limited to content that promotes prejudice, bias, scorn, or actual mischief); tricky, deceptive, oppressive, revolting, annoying or bothersome; irreverent, slanderous, derogatory, profane, obscene, paedophilic; or in violation of copyright, brand name, patent, secrecy, proclamation rights; or ethnically ethnically offensive, denouncing or violating any copyright, brand name, patent, secrecy, protection, or other exclusive data or rights; or generally harmful to outsiders; or linked to or promoting tax fraud or gambling; or harmful to minors in any way; or imitating someone else;or compromises India’s guard, security, or power; friendly relations with foreign states; public requests; or prompts the commission of any crime that is punishable by law; prevents the investigation of any crime; or offends another nation; or is in any way doubtful or generally unlawful; or consists of or contains any of the foregoing.
Political squabbling, business sales, junk mail, mass mailings, or any “spam” that is obviously fraudulent or phoney are all examples of programming infections or other PC code, record, or programme intended to interfere with, destroy, or restrict the usage of any PC asset.

7. Surveys, remarks, interchanges and other substances.

Users of this site may submit surveys, comments, and other materials; send emails; and submit ideas, suggestions, questions, or other information as long as the content is not harmful, offensive, degrading, compromising, invading protected intellectual property rights, generally harmful to outsiders, or frightful; and does not consist of or contain computer viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, or junk mail. When a customer impersonates someone or something, uses a fake email address, or otherwise lies about the beginning of any delight, it happens. Noblebook.in holds the right (yet not the commitment) to eliminate, deny, erase or alter any satisfaction that in the sole judgment of Noblebook.in disregards these Conditions of purpose and, or end your consent to access or utilize this site.
Assuming you in all actuality do post content or submit material, and except if we show in any case, you.
(A) grant Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and its members the non-exclusive, eminence-free, irrevocable, endless, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, distribute, translate, create derivative works from, disseminate, and display such satisfaction throughout the world in any media; and
(B) grant Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and its members and sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit regarding such satisfaction.
You agree that the liberties you grant above are unrevocable for the duration of the security of your protected invention rights relating to such material and happy things. You agree to forego your right to dispute the too critical handling of such bliss as well as your right to be acknowledged as the originator of such fulfilment.
Your address and guarantee that, as of the date the material is submitted to Noblebook.in: (I) the material is accurate; (ii) use of the material you supply does not violate any appropriate Noblebook.in arrangements or rules and won’t cause harm to any individual or element.
(iii) The drug is legal. You agree to hold harmless Amazon Seller Services Private Limited and its partners from any claims made by third parties against them or their subsidiaries arising from or relating to a breach of any of these assurances.

8. Claims against Objectionable Content

You can refer to the item detail page on Noblebook.in to verify any item information provided by the seller regarding the following:
the total cost in a single figure of any good or service, as well as the separation cost for a long-term benefit or service, showing each necessary and intentional charge, such as transportation costs, shipping costs, transport costs, and the applicable duty, as material. These details can be found on the receipt that was supplied to you. You can refer to this in order to understand how to make a receipt.
mandatory disclosure of information required by applicable rules, as well as, if applicable, the product’s expiration date when it is made available for purchase.
the country of origin of the labour and goods that the seller makes accessible for purchase, which is crucial for enabling the buyer to make an informed choice during the pre-buy stage.
merchant and guarantees the authenticity or legality of the imported goods; and.
proper certifications or guarantees for such labour and items. Furthermore, every merchant on Noblebook.in must sign the Business Solutions Agreement (BSA) before posting any items because it contains all legally required information that must be disclosed by law. You can access a copy of the BSA here.
Since Noblebook.in lists a significant number of products that dealers have for sale and has a large number of comments, it isn’t practical in our opinion to know about the items in every item listed as being for sale or in every comment or survey that is displayed. Noblebook.in operates on the “notice and takedown” principle as needed. If you believe that any content on the website is unlawful, hostile (including, but not limited to, content that promotes prejudice, extremism, scorn, or actual mischief), sneaky, deceptive, oppressive, disgusting, irritating or hassling, impious, slanderous, derogatory, foul, explicit, paedophilic, invading another person’s privacy or threatening; ethnically obscene; demonising;
or violates a third party’s confidential or proprietary information, or harms third parties generally; or supports or links to tax fraud or gambling, or injures minors in any way, or imitates another person; or jeopardises India’s unity, integrity, security, or sway; or undermines friendly relations with foreign countries; or frustrates public requests; or compels the commission of any crime; or delays the investigation of any crime.
Please notify us right away by adhering to our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Right Infringements if you come across any content that is obviously false or bogus (” Objectionable Content “), or that consists of or contains programming infections or other PC code, documents, or programmes designed to interfere with, destroy, or limit the usefulness of any PC asset. Once this technique is understood, Noblebook.in will take all reasonable precautions to remove the objectionable content that has been complained about in a timely manner.

9. Copyright, creators’ privileges and data set freedoms

All content remembered for the site, including text, illustrations, logos, button symbols, pictures, sound clips, computerised downloads, information accumulations, and programming, is the property of Noblebook Seller Services Private agency, its partners, or its substance providers and is protected by Indian and international copyright, creators’ freedoms, and data set right regulations. All of the content that makes up this site’s community is the exclusive property of Amazon Seller Services Private Limited and its affiliates, and it is protected by Indian law as well as international copyright and information base rights norms. All content used on this website was created by Noblebook Seller Services Private office, its subsidiaries, or its product providers, and it is protected by Indian and international copyright and writer’ privilege laws.
Without the express written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and its partners (as may be applicable), you are not permitted to effectively concentrate or reuse any of the goods on the website. Without Noblebook Seller Services Private Limited and/or its partners (as may be relevant) express written consent, you are specifically prohibited from using any information mining, robots, or comparable information social event and extraction apparatuses to extract (whether once or frequently) for re-use any significant portions of this site. Without the express written consent of Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and/or its partner (as may be applicable), you may not also create and disseminate your own data collection that highlights crucial (such as prices and item listings) areas of this website.

10. Protected innovation Claims

The Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and its affiliates value other people’s licenced innovations. If you acknowledge that your protected innovation rights have been used, this raises concerns about encroachment.

11. Brand names

THE NOBLEBOOK LOGO, AND YOU’RE DONE, 1-CLICK, EARTH’S BIGGEST SELECTION, PURCHASE CIRCLES, LISTMANIA, NEW FOR YOU, NOBLEBOOK.IN, NOBLEBOOK. The designs, logos, page headers, button symbols, scripts, and administration names on noblebook.in represent the company’s trade dress. Noblebook trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any good or service that isn’t offered by Noblebook, in any manner that might cause discord among customers, or in any manner that disparages or dishonours Noblebook.

12. Licenses

The website has at least one licence, and it is open for business with its features and administrators.

13. Disclaimer

You acknowledge and accept that you are using the website’s services and acting in spite of any advice to the contrary. You are also using your best and most reasonable judgement before engaging in any transactions on the website. You acknowledge and accept that you will use the website to arrange products solely for your use and not for commercial gain. We expressly disavow all responsibility and risk in this regard and agree that we will not be held liable or responsible for the actions or inactions of dealers or for any breach of the terms, representations, or guarantees made by the sellers or manufacturers of the goods. If there is a dispute between you and the suppliers or manufacturers of the goods, we won’t step in to resolve it.
Additionally, we vehemently reject any express or implied promises or representations about the worth, reasonableness, accuracy, dependability, fulfilment, idealness, execution, security, merchantability, qualification for a particular purpose, or legality of the items recorded, shown, or carried out, or the content (counting items, estimating data, or potentially particulars) on the website. Although we have taken precautions to prevent errors in happiness, this website, all satisfied data (including the cost of things), programming, items, benefits, and related designs are provided without any assurances, without any kind of warranty. The purchase of any things on the site is not supported or guaranteed by us in any verifiable or unambiguous way.

14. Reimbursement and Release

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and each of their respective officers, directors, chiefs, specialists, and employees from any claim, suit, or proceeding brought by a third party or sanction imposed as a result of or arising from your violation of these Conditions of Use or any report incorporated by reference, or your violation of any law, rule, regulation, or the rights of a third party, or your failure to comply with any of the for As a result, you hereby release Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency, its members, and all of their officials and agents from any liability for any costs, harm, or other consequences arising from any actions or inactions on the part of the merchants, and you hereby expressly waive any claims or requests you may have for this benefit under any law, agreement, or another legal principle.

15. Youngsters

Users of Noblebook.in must be able to legally form an official agreement as defined by the Indian Contract Act of 1872 in order to use the website. If you are minor, for instance under the age of 18, you may only use Noblebook.in with the assistance of a parent or gatekeeper.

16. Different Businesses

It’s possible for individuals outside of Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency and its subsidiaries to operate in retail establishments, provide certain services, or make product offerings on Noblebook.in. For instance, Marketplace is used by businesses and individuals to sell goods. Additionally, we provide links to the websites of affiliates and other organisations. The contributions of any of these organisations or individuals, as well as the content of their websites, are not our responsibility to examine or evaluate, and we do not guarantee or support them. Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency assumes no responsibility or risk for any of these third parties’ actions, possessions, or material.
You can identify outsiders who are connected to your exchanges, and we may give them access to customer data related to those exchanges. You should meticulously examine their statements of purpose and security pledges.

17. Correspondences

When you visit Noblebook.in, you are communicating with us online. A reliable phone number will be required from you when submitting a request to us. We may contact you via phone, email, SMS, publishing messages on the website, or other means of communication. For official purposes, you accept to receive correspondences from us regarding your use of the website and your request to have something posted there, including conditional, special, and supplementary business messages.

18. Misfortunes

Any commercial loss (including lost profits, income, contracts, anticipated reserve funds, information, altruism, or squandering use) or other major loss that wasn’t anticipated by you and us when you first started using the site is not something for which we will be held responsible.

19. Adjustment of Service or Amendments to the Conditions

We assert the right at any time to modify our website, our agreements, and our Conditions of Use. When you use the site or place an order for products from us, you will be bound by the policies and terms of use in effect at that time, unless a law or other official order requires a modification to those policies or these conditions (in which case it will apply to orders recently positioned by you). Any provision that is determined to be invalid, void, or in any other way unenforceable will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any other condition.

20. Occasions past our sensible control

On the off chance that the delay or disappointment results from any factor outside of our reasonable control, we won’t be held responsible for any failure to fulfil our obligations under these circumstances. Your legal rights are unaffected by this situation.

21. Waiver

If you violate these conditions and we do nothing about it, we will still be able to use our rights and remedies in any other situation in which you violate these conditions.

22. Overseeing regulation and Jurisdiction

The laws of India are represented by and applied to these circumstances. You agree, as do we, to submit to the limited jurisdiction of the Delhi courts.

23. Our Details

The Noblebook Seller Services Private Agency manages this website.
You can find us on the Noblebook.in website by going to www.noblebook.in.

24. Client Complaint Details

In the receive messages that are delivered once more to the clients, the specifics related to each client objection upheld (counting the circumstances surrounding the protest and subsequent specifics) are provided.

25. Noblebook Software Terms

Despite these Conditions of Use, these terms apply to any product (including any upgrades or revisions to the product and any related documentation) that we occasionally make available to you for use with Noblebook Services (the “Noblebook Software”).

Noblebook Software Terms

1. Utilization of the Noblebook Software
You might utilize Noblebook Software exclusively for motivations behind empowering you to utilize and partake in the Noblebook Services as given by Noblebook, and as allowed by the Conditions of Use, these Noblebook Software Terms and any Terms. You are not allowed to incorporate any part of the Noblebook Software into your projects, group any part of the Noblebook Software with your projects, move it to be used with another aid, sell, lease, rent, loan, credit, appropriate, or sub-permit the Noblebook Software, or in any other way grant any rights to the Noblebook Software in whole or in part. The Noblebook Software may not be used for any illegal activity. We reserve the right to discontinue providing any Noblebook Software and to revoke your right to use any Noblebook Software at any time. If you don’t agree to any of these Noblebook Software Terms, the Conditions of Use, or other Terms, your right to use the Noblebook Software will consequently stop without prior notice from us.its suppliers and protected by Indian law, which includes but is not limited to several other important intellectual property legislation.
2. Making use of outside services
You might also be using at least one outsider’s services when using the Noblebook Software, such as a remote transporter or a portable stage supplier. The way you use these third-party services may rely on their various methods, objectives, and fees.
3. Disabling Reverse Engineering
You are not allowed to produce any copies of the Noblebook Software, in whole or in part, or create any derivative works from or based on the Noblebook Software, and you also agree not to encourage, assist, or approve anyone else in doing so.
4. Updates
We may provide programmed or manual updates whenever and without prior notification to you in order to stay current.